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M. R. Levi and Webb, N., Drawing a representative sample from the NCSS Soil Database: Building blocks for the National Wind Erosion Research Network, Managing Global Resources For A Secure Future, Tri-Societies Annual Meeting, vol. 22-25 October, 2017. Tampa, FL, 2017.
A. L. Mangum, Carling, G. T., Bickmore, B. R., Webb, N., Leifi, D. T. L., Brahney, J., Fernandez, D. P., Rey, K. A., Nelson, S. T., Burgener, L., LeMonte, J. J., Thompson, A. N., Newingham, B. A., Duniway, M. C., and Aanderud, Z. T., Characterizing variability in geochemistry and mineralogy of western US dust sources, Aeolian Research, vol. 70-71, 2024.
S. E. McCord, Davidson, Z. M., Schnallner, J. W., and Webb, N. P., A generalized state approach to setting reclamation benchmarks, in SRM Annual Meeting. Rangelands without Borders, Boise, Idaho, 2023.
S. McCord, Stauffer, N., Garman, S., and Webb, N., Emerging ecological datasets with application for modeling North American dust emissions, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, vol. 11-15 December, 2017. New Orleans, LA, 2017.
S. E. McCord, Webb, N. P., Courtright, E. M., Van Zee, J. W., Derner, J. D., Edwards, B. L., Howard, B. K., Huggins, D., Duniway, M. C., and Moriasi, D. N., Optimizing sampling across methods improves the power of ecological monitoring data, in Ecological Society of America: For all Ecologists, Portland, Oregon, 2023.
S. E. McCord, Webb, N. P., Bestelmeyer, B. T., Bonefont, K., Brehm, J. R., Brown, J., Courtright, E. M., Dietrich, C., Duniway, M. C., Edwards, B. L., Fraser, C., Herrick, J. E., Knight, A. C., Metz, L., Van Zee, J. W., and Tweedie, C., The Landscape Data Commons: A system for standardizing, accessing, and applying large environmental datasets for agroecosystem research and management, Agricultural & Environmental Letters, vol. 8, no. 2, 2024.
S. E. McCord, Brehm, J. R., Burnett, S. H., Dietrich, C., Edwards, B. L., Metz, L. J., M. Narvaez, H., Pierson, F., Ramirez, K. S., Stauffer, N. G., Webb, N. P., and Tweedie, C. E., A framework and toolset for standardizing agroecosystem indicators, Ecological Indicators, vol. 144, 2022.
N. P. Webb, Edwards, B. L., Heller, A., McCord, S. E., Schallner, J. W., Treminio, R. S., Wheeler, B. E., Stauffer, N. G., Spiegal, S., Duniway, M. C., Traynor, A. C. E., Kachergis, E., and Houdeshell, C. A., Establishing quantitative benchmarks for soil erosion and ecological monitoring, assessment, and management, Ecological Indicators, vol. 159, 2024.
N. P. Webb, LeGrand, S. L., Cooper, B. F., Courtright, E. M., Edwards, B. L., Felt, C., Van Zee, J. W., and Ziegler, N. P., Size distribution of mineral dust emissions from sparsely vegetated and supply-limited dryland soils, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, vol. 126, 2021.
N. Webb, Herrick, J. E., Hugenholtz, C., Okin, G. S., and Zobeck, T. M., A National Wind Erosion Monitoring Network to support an all-lands wind erosion model, Eighth International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII). International Society of Aeolian Research (ISAR), Lanzhou, China, p. p. 427, 2014.
N. P. Webb, Ziegler, N. P., Brown, E., Nikolich, G., Gillies, J. A., Edwards, B. L., Patel, S., Van Zee, J. W., Trautz, A., and LeGrand, S. L., Next-generation Irwin Sensors for characterizing surface shear velocity, in International Conference on Aeolian Research, Las Cruces, N.M. USA, 2023.
N. P. Webb, Edwards, B. L., Van Zee, J. W., Courtright, E. M., Duniway, M. C., Newingham, B., Pierson, F., Tatarko, J., Toledo, D., and Van Pelt, R. S., Multi-scale wind erosion monitoring and assessment supported by a National Wind Erosion Research Network, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, 2019.
N. Webb, Herrick, J. E., Hugenholtz, C., Zobeck, T. M., and Okin, G. S., A national wind erosion research network, in 18th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, El Paso, Texas, 2015.
N. Webb, Herrick, J., Clingan, S., Cooper, B., Courtright, E., LaPlante, V., and Van Zee, J., – Portal to the National Wind Erosion Research Network, in AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2015.
N. Webb, Herrick, J., Van Zee, J., Courtright, E., Hugenholtz, C., Zobeck, T. M., Okin, G. S., Barchyn, T. E., Billings, B. J., Boyd, R., Clingan, S., Cooper, B., Duniway, M. C., Derner, J. D., Fox, F. A., Havstad, K. M., Heilman, P., LaPlante, V., Ludwig, N. A., Metz, L. J., Nearing, M. A., M. Norfleet, L., Pierson, F. B., Sanderson, M. A., Sharratt, B. S., Steiner, J. L., Tatarko, J., Tedela, N. H., Toledo, D., Unnasch, R. S., R. Van Pelt, S., and Wagner, L., The National Wind Erosion Research Network: Building a standardized long-term data resource for aeolian research, modeling and land management, Aeolian Research, vol. 22, pp. 23-36, 2016.
N. Webb, Van Zee, J. W., Karl, J. W., Herrick, J. E., Courtright, E. M., Billings, B. J., Boyd, R., Chappell, A., Duniway, M. C., Derner, J. D., Hand, J. K., Kachergis, E., McCord, S. E., Newingham, B. A., Pierson, F. B., Steiner, J. L., Tatarko, J., Tedela, N. H., Toledo, D., and Van Pelt, R. S., Enhancing wind erosion monitoring and assessment for US rangelands, Rangelands, 2017.
N. Webb, Galloza, M. S., Zobeck, T. M., and Herrick, J. E., Threshold wind velocity dynamics as a driver of aeolian sediment mass flux, Aeolian Research, vol. 20, 2016.
N. Webb, Galloza, M. S., Bleiweiss, M. P., Winters, C., Ayers, E., and Herrick, J. E., Using state-and-transition models to evaluate wind erosion responses to land cover change, in Society for Range Management 70th Annual Meeting, St George, UT, 2017.
N. Webb and Pierre, C., Quantifying Anthropogenic Dust Emissions, Earth's Future, vol. 6, 2018.
N. Webb, Multi-scale wind erosion monitoring and assessment for US rangelands, Society for Range Management 71st Annual Meeting, vol. January 28-February 2, 2018. Reno, NV, 2018.
